Godzilla King of the Monsters Movie Review

Or as I like to call it: King Ghidora vs The Incredible Mark, Godzilla: King of the Monsters is the second Godzilla movie in Legendary's American-made series. This time around, TONS of monsters have popped up EVERYWHERE! Even worse.. the big three-headed rival of Godzilla makes his hundred million (blog) dollar CGI debut, King Ghidorah. Ne'er-do-we

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Cobra Movie Review

Los Angeles is infested with crime, with a cult of murderers killing helpless women.. I mean, unconnected people with not distinct pattern... and only one man can stop them. He happens to be a super badass cop who is so good at his job, the entire police force hates him, The Cobra! Also, I don't mean to surprise you, but this is an 80s action movie

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Convict 762 Movie Review

Been a long time since a "how the heck did this get past the planning stages?" movie review, hasn't it? Fortunately, we can always look towards the sci-fi channel.. or.. syfy? whatever they're funny horror movies calling themselves these days. Nevertheless, this is sci-fi movie reviews Convict 762, the story of a group of space ladies who wind up f

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When I'm not busy running my own business, I can be found lost in a thriller novel. Or watching my favorite films (The Shawshank Redemption & The Godfather are tops). Fitness is a priority for me. I make it a habit to go to the gym or run five times per week. In my free time, I enjoy hanging out with friends and trying Movie reviews by Decker Shado

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Top 10 Leprechaun Kills

When you've got a long running horror comedy franchise, you tend to rack up a nice, big body count. Leprechaun is no exception, despite a modest first showing the little guy has piled up over half a hundred cold ones in a mere 8 movies.As such, there's no time like the present to rank the best 10 of the bunch! A top 10 video! For the younger of tho

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